Indiana SADD
Students Against Destructive Decisions

Chapter Resources
Not sure how to get started?
For current and upcoming opportunities and events, visit the CALENDAR page!
Indiana SADD E-Forms
Most Recent Indiana SADD Newsletter
State Leadership Team
SADD National Links

Peer to Peer Programs
Substance Misuse Resources
Digital Wellness-Literacy Resources
Other Resources

Prevention Resources
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)
A set of surveys that track behaviors that can lead to poor health in students grades 9-12
Indiana Youth Survey (INYS)
A biennial survey of students in grades 6-12 assessing student's substance use, mental health, gambling, and risk and protective factors that can impact student success.
Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)
A wealth of resources, including a Prevention Learning Portal with high quality, accurate information on Evidence-based Prevention and What Does NOT Work in Prevention.
Prevention Partners
Organizations partnering with DMHA and communities across Indiana, helping to prevent substance misuse.
DMHA Prevention of Substance Misuse/Mental Health Promotion
Links to resources and information

State Leadership Team
Empower. Engage. Mobilize. Change.
If you are a SADD member in Indiana and want to share your passion and talents beyond the school and community levels, please apply! We review new State Leadership Team applications monthly.
As a peer-to-peer program, we are committed to providing meaningful opportunities for student leaders to contribute at every level - chapter, state, and national. We meet virtually, with occasional in-person meetings.
Meet our current SLT members:

Jim Noffsinger Legacy Award
After attending the 2000 SADD National Conference, Jim Noffsinger, a local SADD chapter advisor, returned to Indiana and began developing Indiana SADD. By 2001, Indiana SADD was awarded a grant from the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute’s Council on Impaired and Dangerous Driving.
Jim had recently retired and resided in the Gulf Shores, Alabama when he died following complications from cancer in 2015. In 2016, Indiana SADD created the Jim Noffsinger Legacy Award to be presented annually to an outstanding SADD chapter.
2023-24 New Chapter of the Year
Shelbyville High School SADD -
2022-23 Chapter of the Year
Western High School SADD -
2019-20 Chapter of the Year
Greensburg Community HS SADD -
2019-20 Outstanding Advisor
Salem HS SADD - Jeanne Page -
2018-19 co-Chapters of the Year - Greensburg Community HS SADD and Sheridan HS SADD
2017-18 Chapter of the Year
Greensburg Community HS SADD

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